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Most Worshipful Prince Hall

Grand Lodge of


The Grand Lodge of Louisiana was formed in 1863 by the lodges chartered by the Grand Lodge of Ohio as follows Organization of the Grand Lodge for the State of Louisiana, 1863.

The Grand Lodge of England (Modern) granted a charter to African Lodge No. 459 on September 29, 1784. According to the custom of that day, African Lodge No. 459; became a Mother Lodge and granted Warrants to lodges in Philadelphia and Providence. African Lodge No. 459, called a general assembly of the Craft on June 24, 1791, and organized the African Grand Lodge according to custom and usage.From the lodges chartered by African Grand Lodge

(later the name was changed to Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts), the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was formed on December 27, 1815. This Grand Lodge chartered Richmond Lodge in New Orleans (March 5, 1849). From lodges chartered by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, the Grand Lodge of Ohio was formed on May 3, 1849. Subsequently, during June 1850, with the permission of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Richmond Lodge changed its allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

On behalf of the officers and members of the Jurisdiction of Louisiana, I welcome you to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge’s Website.

I hope that your journey through our website is both informative and enlightening. Our website is designed to be of assistance to all Prince Hall Masons throughout the world.

Our objective is to reach out to our Masonic communities throughout our state and nation, as we stand together and serve as an encouragement to our young people to seek an education, register to vote, and embrace a passion for self-respect.

May our God, from whom all blessings flow, keep you, guide you, and bestow all of His blessings upon you.


Until you value yourself,
you will not value your time.
Until you value your time,
you will not do anything with it.

– Dr. Ralph Slaughter
Most Worshipful Grand Master

The Grand Lodge of Louisiana was formed in 1863 by the lodges chartered by the Grand Lodge of Ohio as follows
Organization of the Grand Lodge for the State of Louisiana, 1863.
A convention of Ancient York Masons was held in the city of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, at the Hall of Richmond Lodge No.4, Clinton Street #4, between Custom House and Bienville Streets, on the 5th of January, in the year of our Lord 1863, and of Light 5863


Brother James B. Berry, Past Master; Brother Jurdon B. Noble, Past Master; Brother Oscar J. Dunn, Brother Lewis Banks, Past Master; Brother Henry Green, Present Senior Warden; Brother John Symes, Present Junior Warden; Brothers P. Thoroughgood, O.Reiffel, P. Canal, J.W. Cottrell, and Isodore Rieras, all of Richmond Lodge No. 4, Jurisdiction of Ohio.

Brother Jacob A. Norager, Past Master; Brother Edward Campanel, Past Master; Brother Wellington West, Present Master; Brother Joseph Johnston, Present Senior Warden; proxy of Milford Piron; Brother George P. Douse, Past Junior and Senior Warden, proxy for Emile Merle; Brother E. Harney and Brother G. Broadnax, all of Stringer Lodge No. 11, Jurisdiction of Ohio.

Brother John Parsons, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge for the State of Ohio and Present Master of Parsons Lodge No. 18; Brother John J. Bonjean, Present Senior Warden; Brother Thomas Bland, Present Junior Warden; Brothers George J. Davis, E. Meilluer, J. Abelard, and O. Fernandez, all of Parsons Lodge No. 18 Jurisdiction of Ohio.

The convention was called to order by Brother Lewis Banks, and on motion, Brother John Parsons was chosen chairman.

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